Dual Program
Our Dual Immersion Program implements a developmental Spanish-English two-way language model of instruction, serving native speakers of English and native speakers of Spanish. Students from the two language groups attend class together, learn from each other, and receive academic instruction in both languages.
Dual Immersion Programs are growing in popularity in the United States. Research shows that immersion education is the best model for attaining academic success while teaching a second language to both English speakers and English learners. University Charters Schools began its first Dual Immersion Program in the Fall of 2002 with two kindergarten and first grade classes at University Preparation School. The program has expanded each year to include grades K-8
Our Dual Language Program provides two-way, bilingual immersion instruction in a 50/50 Simultaneous Literacy Model. The goal of this program is biliteracy and bilingualism. Students receive 50% of all core instruction in English and 50% in Spanish.
Program Goals for Students
•develop oral proficiency, language skills and literacy in both English and Spanish,
•attain academic achievement at or above grade level as measured in both languages,
•hold positive attitudes towards school and themselves and;
•participate in cross-cultural relationships and learning experiences that foster the development of a positive self-esteem and cultural pride; and Get involved with their parents in their educational process.