2020-2021 School Year
July 29, 2020 Letter to Families
Reopening and COVID 19 Mitigation Document - this plan was approved by the UPCS school board on 7/31/2020 and approved by Ventura County Office of Education and Ventura County Public Health on August 4, 2020
Reapertura y documento de mitigación de COVID 19
The following letter and graphic were sent home via Parent Square on June 5 to families explaining the proposed plans for reopening.
Fall Reopening Information Letter July 5th English
The school has received the following guidance documents that must be followed as we design our Return to School Plan for 2020-2021.
Stronger Together: A Guidebook for the Safe Reopening of California's Public Schools
Framework for Reopening Ventura County Schools
Ventura County Public Health Re-opening Guidance